Thank you for this thoughtful look into the heart of darkness. It's such a tricky thing to wrestle with. I think the harder we work at saying it couldn't possibly be us, the more likely we are to give ourselves over to it.

I was raised Pacifist, and went to a college that didn't support war, but during the war on Iraq, when I met with a group of students to stand silently and pray for peace, we were spit on by other students! I was so hurt and confused. How could someone react violently to saying you wished for peace?

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This is exactly the thing. I’m very interested in those narratives where someone saying ‘don’t hurt other people’ is somehow labeled a traitor to his own. And I feel like society never wants to grapple with the implications of that stance - ok if we need to be spitting at the students who protest for peace, do we intend to say that war is our only salvation? If we do think that, why aren’t we saying it openly?

There is some weird mechanism by which people feel that, no matter what their actions betray, as long as they don’t say certain words out loud they can’t possibly be true. Like believing in some primordial magic of words. Like ‘no matter that I actively support someone who is openly in support of genocide - how DARE you imply I support genocide? I have never said that!!’ Like you don’t have to say it friend. We have eyes.

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Exploring the topics of anger, and the consequences especially during a time of war/violence brought me to the same conclusions. What can I do, that doesn’t increase hate/violence that can improve the situation? There aren’t many options but one of the most effective option is to talk about it, honestly and own it fully, which you have done (again) brilliantly. 🙏

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Thank you ❤️ yes I think our habit of not talking about it lets weird thoughts fester in people’s heads… like people naturally gravitate to trying to convince themselves only other people are ‘bad’ and we as a group are ‘good but once in a while we do a bad thing’. Looking at this in the light of day at some point we might have to admit to ourselves that maybe it’s us the bad ones. Right now especially. Anyone defending this insane assault on Palestine and its few neighbors who are standing up for it cannot have a clear mind.

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Oct 5Liked by Lidija P Nagulov

You look deep into the darkness, raise a mirror, ask difficult questions and of course invite us to join you. Yes, to critically own the darkness we each carry. Yes, there is so much death, destruction and violence. I’m not confident that our species has the wisdom, generosity or courage to survive 😿

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Well we have so far, which is a point of hope. And I do think we also have capacity for great good inside us. I would not say all is lost. But we do swing from light to darkness and I think it would help us to acknowledge both ⭐️

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Oct 5Liked by Lidija P Nagulov

Yes, I agree! My last comment written from dark hole that the onslaught of news and my despair pushes me into 😩 but I then repeat Timothy Snyder’s no-nonsense wisdom: “ Nilhism is completely useless. That’s the coward’s way out.” So I slap myself on the head and get on as best as I can!

Note to self: don’t post until you climb out next time!

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I think despairing is as human as climbing out of despair ❤️

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Oct 4Liked by Lidija P Nagulov

“The awful thing is that beauty is mysterious as well as terrible. God and the devil are fighting there and the battlefield is the heart of man.”


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That is actually really beautiful ❤️

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These are very hard questions. There's some darkness in everyone but, I guess, most of the time that won't turn us into monsters... I often dreamt about violence, you know the classical dream where you're being chased and they will always find you? I'd just smash whomever head in. Self-defence but concerning.

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Oh yeah I had those too, still do sometimes. I think in that very primordial ‘kill or be killed’ sense it’s not even concerning. If someone is trying to randomly end your life they totally deserve a crushed skull. What concerns me more is people who turn that inner violence towards innocents the second they think nobody is going to punish them for it…. That part I don’t understand.

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Yep, that's a very valid point and I don't get that kind of violence either

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Oct 7Liked by Lidija P Nagulov

Damn! Hot damn!

That's it. That's my comment for this one. Exquisite writing.

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Thank you, kind Sir ⭐️

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Oct 5Liked by Lidija P Nagulov

Wow. Lots to think about here but rings very true. Iceland - the sagas describe some grotesque human nature.

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Yeah I think all our historical and mythological tales have had much more honesty about the true nature of humans. We have worked ever since to sanitize our image but the ancient people were closer to the mark apparently.

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Oct 8Liked by Lidija P Nagulov

People get the bible wrong, imo. They think it’s a blueprint where mostly it’s a warning. You too could have a life like this if you’re not careful!

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Well there’s a whole lot in there but some of it was cautionary for sure.

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He who angers you controls you. You are in charge of your emotions and reactions. I have a terrible temper, lol. Really bad. I unleashed it once when I was 13. Never again. I will not allow anyone to make me that angry again. Instead I channel my anger and rage at the ruling class who keeps its boot on the planet's neck😞 They're responsible for this capitalist hellscape we find ourselves in today.

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That’s the winning strategy for sure!!

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I really need to find or create a guillotine emoji🤭

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Oh my goodness I would use that so much

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